rosenmuller fossa

The fossa of Rosenmüller, also known as the posterolateral recess, is the most common site of origin for nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Gross anatomy It is located ...

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  • The fossa of Rosenmüller, also known as the posterolateral recess, is the most common site...
    Fossa of Rosenmüller | Radiology Reference Article |
  • ... 山的後方則有一條凹陷之縫隙稱為Rosenmuller fossa。鼻咽的頂部稱roof,頂部 向後向下延伸為鼻咽壁與口咽相接。年青的病人在頂部及鼻咽壁上常可見adenoid...
    三軍總醫院- 放射腫瘤部 -
  • Behind the ostium of the eustachian tube (ostium pharyngeum tuba auditiva) is a deep reces...
    Pharyngeal recess - Wikipedia
  • The fossa of Rosenmuller is a long, deep, shallow, and narrow depression in part of the na...
    What Is the Fossa of Rosenmuller? (with pictures) - wiseGEEK
  • Quick Review: Fossa of. Rosenmüller. The nasopharynx is a fibromuscular sling suspended fr...
    Quick Review: Fossa of Rosenmüller - ENT Lectures
  • Singapore Med J. 1991 Jun;32(3):154-5. The anatomy of the Fossa of Rosenmuller--its possib...
    The anatomy of the Fossa of Rosenmuller--its possible influence on ...
  • The lateral pharyngeal recess, or the fossa of Rosenmüller, is located behind the torus tu...
    Johann Christian Rosenmüller (1771-1820): A Historical ...
  • pharyngeal recess. (redirected from Fossa of Rosenmuller) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesa...
    Fossa of Rosenmuller | definition of Fossa of Rosenmuller by ...
  • a trench or channel; in anatomy, a hollow or depressed area. amygdaloid fossa the depressi...
    Rosenmüller's fossa | definition of Rosenmüller's fossa by Medical ...
  • 1 Aug 1989 ... patients there was bilateral symmetric blunting of the fossa of Rosenmuller...
    CT of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma - American Journal of ...
  • 2014年8月11日 - The fossa of Rosenmuller are posterolateral recesses of the nasopharynx, whi...
    Bilateral cysts of the fossa of Rosenmuller | Radiology Case ...
  • Normal fossa of Rosenmuller on axial T1 fat saturated contrast enhanced MRI.
    Normal fossa of Rosenmuller | Radiology Case |
  • Quick Review: Fossa of. Rosenmüller. The nasopharynx is a fibromuscular sling suspended fr...
    [PDF] Quick Review: Fossa of Rosenmüller - ENT Lectures
  • 跳到 Fossa of Rosenmüller - The lateral pharyngeal recess, or the fossa of Rosenmüller, is ...
    Johann Christian Rosenmüller (1771-1820): A Historical Perspective ...
  • pharyngeal recess. (redirected from Fossa of Rosenmuller) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesa...
    Fossa of Rosenmuller | definition of Fossa of Rosenmuller by Medical ...